Tuesday, May 18, 2010

14 Hour plane rides and sleeping in airports

I’m sitting in an airport in Delhi. It’s me, a Japanese man, and all Indians. The music is a sitar, hindi, music melody. It’s amazing.

Unfortunately, I realized about 5 hours before my plane landed that I would have to spend the night in Delhi. This is entirely my fault, good news came out of this whole debacle though...I realized I don’t know how to interpret AM and PM. Thankfully I met an American Indian girl whom also is trapped in the Delhi airport till 6:30 AM and together we ventured from the AA terminal to the main terminal to catch our flight. This seemingly simple task actually took us about 45 minutes. The large, gun carrying airport security scrutinized our inability to provide a location for where we stayed Tuesday May 17th. Tuesday May 17th we were mostly in the air. This I tried to describe to the man by motioning my arm in a plane like movement. My newly found friend quickly stopped me and spoke to the man in Hindi while I smiled stupidly.

Eventually a shuttle came to transport us to the main terminal. We were the only two people on the shuttle, and the driver tried to persuade us to just stay in a hotel.
me: "What did he say?"
Jissy: "He's trying to get us to stay in a hotel."
me: "Oh..." and
Jissy: "But that's silly, I told him no."
me: "Yeah, totally silly."
Hotels are for the weak. Give me a plastic, uncomfortable chair any day! I slept approximately 1 hour in the Indira Ghandi airport before I was awoken by the intercom that continued to break the sitar elevator music every 20 minutes.

Now, after trying for 3 hours, I have the internet! I'm mostly delirious - I've only slept about 6 hours in the past 48 - a little sick of trail mix, and I may or may not smell absolutely disgusting. Well, my flight leaves in 2 more hours! Finally, Mumbai and a bed. I'll probably going to sleep all day. Literally. All day.

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