Wednesday, May 19, 2010

From Delhi to Mumbai

Insanity doesn't correctly described Mumbai but it's as close to an accurate adjective that I can think of right now. There are people everywhere and things...everywhere. There are massive IT buildings next to dilapidated skyscrapers and abandoned apartment buildings. There are children EVERYWHERE and they don't hesitate to stare and point at the tall white girl walking down the street with a camera. At one point, a little girl turned around and gasped when she saw me then ran up to her mother and continued to speak in Hindi and point. I can't complain though, I nearly freaked out when I saw another white person. We really do stick out.

The place I am staying is rather nice. There is marble...everything. Funny how this type of decor would be a luxury in the US but I'm beginning to realize it is a necessity here. Why? Because it is really, really, really, really humid. Pittsburghers should never complain ever again that our city is humid - we are clearly spoiled. Even though I have AC and a fan there is still condensation on most all of my belongings. I wouldn't care much if it didn't render my cell phone basically useless. Touch screens and humidity do not mix. As I'm writing this I googled humidity and blackberries...seems like a common occurrence. Guess I'll have to forgo phone usage for most of the next 6 weeks.

Surprisingly I slept through most of last night. Thankfully I was still recovering from hours of jet lag and not sleeping for 36+ hours, so my body would not have allowed me to miss the opportunity for sleep. Otherwise I have no idea how I would sleep through the background noise. In Mumbai everyone beeps their horn at all times. To turn, to move forward, to move back, to go, to stop, to just say hello, it's incessant! When I got into the taxi at the airport the drive beeped his horn before he even started the car. I've deduced that beeping is just a form of communication here.

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