Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My new friend

Before I venture out for the day I had to mention my new friend. I can't remember his name, and I think I would hurt him too much to ask again, but he basically thinks I'm the greatest thing to ever step foot in this hotel.

I don't know if it's customary to tip the "bell" boys...but I did. Apparently it was the first time he had ever been tipped. Okay, so maybe he's new to this job. Nope, been working in hotels for 12 years. Never been tipped. Could explain the love.

When I got in yesterday around 10:45 I though "I'll sleep till like 2 then wonder around maybe eat? Who knows" I slept until 6:00. I still wondered around - when I received all the stares - then eventually made my way back to the hotel so I could eat. As I was eating a tasty dhal with some roti and chai my friend approached me again. He asked how I was doing and all the like, and responded mostly with compliments about my smile. He pointed out some areas I need to check out always ending with "If you need anything, anything at all let me know. Seriously, anything I help you, you my new friend, you have no family not friends, we be friends." Thanks for making me feel good about the no friends...

Then he struck me with a strange question, "You like Jesus?" I asked him what he said again, wasn't really expecting Jesus. But yes, he said Jesus, he asked if I liked him and if we were friends. I agreed, even though Jesus and I have had our issues I thought it best that my friend think I'm a stereotypical white person. He said Jesus makes him a nice person that helps other people, that is why he is helping me. Well what can I say? It's hard to not take this as some creepy sign that God is watching out for my yadda, yadda, blah, blah but I'm just going to dismiss it as an extremely strange coincidence.

He walked me to my room, made sure I didn't need anything else. Asked if everyone is this tall in America, gave me some toilet paper, then I shut the door and went to bed.
This place is great.

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