Saturday, June 26, 2010

24-6-2010: This is from Friday

Finals Tea Break
Today was my last day in India. The past two nights have been nothing short of a dream. I’m buzzing around India in the Hyundai of a lovely Turkish boy whom for some odd reasons absolutely adores me, and we’re heading to a Lebanese lounge and restaurant.
Early that day I had taken my first and last final at Christ college. In all honesty I wasn’t really trying, I wasn’t here to relearn everything that I had been learning about for years, so I didn’t really study or try particularly hard. What truly encapsulated Indian education system, and India in general, was half way through when beloved Jacob John stopped us and said “You’ll have somosa’s and tea now?” In came a boy carrying a bag of somosa’s and a thermostat of tea. Only in India.
Aftter that we climbed to the top level of the building to watch a dance performance going down in the hallway below, then we decided that since it’s our last day we’re just going to climb on the roof. The view was spectacular. The sky looked better than a painting, and you could see the tops of all the exotic and colorful trees that lined the walkways and paths of our school. I couldn’t possibly imagine a better way to end my time in Bangalore. Everything about this day is beautiful.

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