Saturday, June 5, 2010

I still love mangos

Wednesday June 2, 2010
I have two library books due in 2 days. They’re sitting next to me right now, in India. Probably should have thought this through a bit more, I can renew the books. If I renew them Friday I’ll have 3 weeks to return them. To bad in 3 weeks I’ll still be in India. I can try to renew them again after that, but I’m assuming there’s probably some type or restriction there. Looks like I’ll be a little in the hole when I get back to the states.
Today I finally got internet access at Christ University! Bad news, Christ University does not allow you to go on facebook (seriously? Is this high school), but hell atleast I can go on twitter, check my e-mail, see that I have late fees slowly accumulating…and of course discover that I’m allergic to the sap on mango skin! For the past two days there has been this strange, bumpy, rash around my mouth causing my already large lips to swell to duck like proportions – try to imagine that shit. I thought about everything I have eaten or drank in the past couple of days, trying to pinpoint anything out of the ordinary that would have caused this type of reaction. I deduced that it was probably the banana chips I had eaten the other day, either the Indian bananas or the coconut oil that were fried in. Secretly I wished neither because A. I love bananas B. I love coconut everything more than I love bananas.
Well thankfully I got the interenet and the power of google was in my hands. I googled “itchy, red rash around mouth India” the first site said “mango allergy”, I thought this was absurd I had been eating mangos like candy since I had arrived in India. However, after reading though the site I found that many people whom are allergic to poison ivy (hey, that’s me!) are also allergic to the skin of mangos. The same type of chemical is found on both. Who would of thought? Most people would have been pissed, definitely when someone had told them about her mom being allergic to both mangos and poison ivy 2 days previously, but me. No. It’s going to take more than allergic reactions, two days of 101 temperature, mosquito bites, lower back pain, bad hair days everyday, and cockroachs to make me hate this place. I still love it here. I can’t wait till I wake up with no ailments so I can fully appreciate it.

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