Monday, June 28, 2010

Jaipur is hot

It’s hot and not like the kind of hot that you can bear long enough until AC saves, or can easily be cooled by a breeze. No this is quite like I imagine hell to be like. Good thing though, is that it is dry. If it’s going to be unbearably hot then atleast I shouldn't be too sweaty. Okay, I’m still sweaty.
Today we trekked to a monkey temple. The owner of the hostel – a helpful man named Manoj – told us that we absolutely had to check out this monkey temple. There were monkeys everywhere, they would eat from our hands, they were cute and furry. What he failed to mention however was that the trek to this monkey temple was basically a pilgrimage. We spent about 30 minutes climbing an 800 foot mountain whilst trying to avoid the constantly accosting eyes of various Indian men and children.
The monkeys were indeed adorable, also slightly scary. They were pretty strong and robust, and they do this strange growling type noise that is particularly intimidating.
We also were lucky enough to see a snake charmer. Though I’m fairly certain lucky isn’t quite the correct adjective. Chelsea is deathly afraid of snakes, so seeing a little boy with a snake wrapped around his neck probably didn’t excite her too much.
At the temple I noticed that there were many people jumping into a greenish colored pool. All the men and woman were doing it, usually wearing nothing or next to nothing to do so, and they seemed not at all concerned with the hygienic safety of this whole ordeal.
The walk back was nothing short of life changing - you tend to reanalyze your life when you're on the verge of death. 1.) I realized that I could indeed be a contestant on The Amazing Race and 2.) You walk faster when Indian men want to take pictures of you and stalk you. Suddenly you are filled with this energy you never knew existed when your personal space is about to be violated.
After our trek we headed to Johari Bazaar – the notorious jewelry bazaar in Jaipur. Our rickshaw drive continually asked us to go with him to his jewelry stores but I had already had enough with getting scammed in India.
The stores had some gorgeous jewelery, unfortunately the never ending heat proved to stiffly our ability to bargain, speak, or even walk. It was pretty rough.
Later I had a tasty Rajasthani Thali and after we went to a famous restaurant in Jaipur that had quite possibly the best ice cream I’ve ever had (and it was only 18 ruppees!) If only Jaipur didn’t threaten to kill me with heat, I would definitely enjoy it way more.
Another way in which I would enjoy it more is if people would stop harassing me! I hate being heckled. Absolutely hate it regardless of what country. Today proved to be little exception and I may have snapped back 3 or 7 times.
The favorite lines of today:
“Haaallow Haallow, Madame, madame madame.”
“You have sexy dress, sexy dress” my dress was not sexy
“Pretty like pretty camel” I still don’t understand this one

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